A. Communicable Disease Prevention
To prevent and minimize the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases, Stepping 4words has an internal health and safety protocol that closely follows the recommendations of WorkSafe BC. That protocol applies to all our tutors and other staff. This Policy sets out what we expect from Clients and Students when it comes to keeping other students, their families, and our staff healthy and safe.
If a Student is ill, he or she needs to stay home. This means that if the Student exhibits any one of the following symptoms during, on or before the day of his or her lesson, the Student will be required to stay home:
- Cough
- Fever
- Temperature
- Runny nose
- Sneezing
- Nauseous
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
The same applies to Clients or anyone else bringing the Student to Stepping 4words or picking the Student up after tutoring. When in doubt about anyone's symptoms, call 8-1-1.
If a Student exhibits any of the above symptoms upon arrival at Stepping 4words, the tutoring lesson will not proceed and the Student will immediately be excused from the lesson. There will be no rescheduling or refund in respect of the missed lesson. If the Student has to wait to be picked up, he or she will be directed to a separate and supervised area.
If a Student is away due to COVID-19 related symptoms, he or she is required to stay away from Stepping 4words for the mandated time as per the BC PHO recommendations. The Client may contact Stepping 4words in that case and request that the Student's lessons be delivered in one of the following ways:
- Online sessions at Student’s regularly scheduled time; or
- Individualized Learn at Home package to be reviewed at Student’s convenience.
Late Arrivals and Missed Lessons
Students are expected to arrive on time for their sessions both online and in-person. It is the responsibility of Client to contact Stepping 4words directly to advise of a late arrival to a tutoring session or an inability to connect via Zoom.
If Stepping 4words has not been directly notified of a late arrival (of up to 15 minutes), they will wait for 15 minutes prior to cancelling a tutoring session. Any such cancelled lesson is fully chargeable and non-refundable and a homework package will be sent via email.
If Stepping 4words has been directly notified of a late arrival (of up to 15 minutes), the session will take place and end at the regularly scheduled time. Client will be charged for a full session regardless of arrival time.
If a Student must miss a scheduled session due to illness or other circumstances, the Student is eligible to receive a Learn at Home package in lieu of the missed lesson. In the event of an emergency, reversal of charges or rescheduling of the lesson for a late cancellation may be made at the sole discretion of Stepping 4words.
It is preferred that requests for online lessons be due to illness/symptoms only,
Lessons missed for any reason, will not be rescheduled or refunded.